May I have S’more?


It doesn’t get much better than roasting marshmallows over a crackling fire, and summertime is the perfect time for some safe backyard fire pit fun. And as everyone knows, you can’t have a campfire without s’mores! This summer, test out a new variation of the classic bonfire food, by making a mess free version that both kids and adults will enjoy. Try toasting the s’mores in an ice cream cone over the fire with some special additions such as strawberries, bananas, and walnuts. Simply fill the cone with your favorites, wrap in tin foil and toast over your campfire. The possibilities are endless!

> Check out this variation of the campfire classic here.

As always, please remember to follow some important safety precautions with your backyard fire pit. Make sure your fire is at least 25 feet from your residence in an enclosed area such as an outdoor fire pit on a flat surface.

The NFPA recommends to always have a fire extinguisher, hose, bucket of water, shovel and dirt or sand nearby when a fire is burning to be able to quickly extinguish the blaze if it gets out of control.

Never leave a fire unattended! Make sure that the fire is completely put out before leaving it unattended and do not let it die out on its own.

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